Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Mint Millionaire Shortbread Recipe

This uses the same base as the mint cream pie to greeeeeeeaaaaaaat effect!


2 pack of mint Viscount biscuits (14 per pack)
85g butter

405g can Carnation condensed milk
150g butter
150g golden caster sugar

200g of Mint chocolate of your choice!!

Baking parchment



Crush viscount biscuits and combine with 85g of melted butter and press in to the bottom of a 20cm x 20cm tin (line with parchment to help get them out if you like) and chill.

Meanwhile melt 150g butter on a medium heat and add the sugar and condensed milk. Stir continuously for about 10 mins until the mixture has thickend and has started to bubble up.
Pour evenly on to the biscuit base.

Finally melt the choc and pour onto the caramel once it has set. Chill

Ta daaaaaaaaaa! done, perfect, minty millionaire shortbread!!

TIP: score the chocolate just before it has set to make it easier to cut, then cut into big or small chunks

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