Monday, 13 October 2008

Mint Poppets

Little bursts of mint!

Intense peppermint fondant balls surrounded by a thin layer of chocolate. They are great, very sweet and minty for when you need that sugar boost. With around 50g in a pack they do the job without necessarily weighing you down too much!!!

£0.27 per pack, not at all bad, well worth a little snack.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

CHOXI - Minty, chocolatey and good for you?

So, good for you?

Well, according to the packet, the gentle way the chocolate is made the natural antioxidants in the chocolate are retained in the final product, and eaten by you!!!

Sounds good but it better be for £1.99 and only 70g.

In fairness it tastes OK. The dark chocolate is very rich and there is a hint of mint on the lips but that is all. For the price and what it claims, I think I would buy a nicer bar of chocolate and an apple - I'd probably have change left over as well.

Overall its ok and maybe a nice gimmick but I really don't eat chocolate because it's good for me and if that's what I'm paying for, I think I'll leave it thanks.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Easy Mint Choc Biscuits

This is adapted from a Rachel Allen recipe and is so so so easy!


6oz (170g) Plain flour
4oz (110g) Unsalted butter, cubed
2oz (50g) Caster sugar

Mint choc of your choice to taste


Rub all the ingredients except the chocolate together to form a breadcrumb consistency (or just whizz it all up in a blender!!!).

Add the chocolate (as much as you like - add it and mix it until it looks how you want your finished biscuit to look).Form the dough into a ball and then press it out flat (it will seem pretty crumbly but that ok, it doesn't need to look pretty yet).

Cut out the buscuits using a biscuit cutter (be creative, find unusual shapes) and bake and 180 degrees C for 10-12 mins or until they are pale golden brown.

Cool for a few minutes then remove to a wire rack to cool completely,


You can add pepperming extract at the dough stage if its not minty enough for you- Experiment

Sunday, 21 September 2008

I love Ritter Sport

I love These!!!!

£0.99 for 100g of total bliss, possibly one of my favorite treats.

As in the picture, each tablet is half chocolate and half peppermint cream fondant. They are different from anything else because the fondant tastes like it is actually made with cream. The extremely sweet fondant is offset perfectly by the very slight bitterness of the plain chocolate, it really is the perfect snack and its very easy to eat more and more and more of them.

Have these in for when you need a sweet minty boost.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Green and Blacks - Ethical Chocolate

Green and Blacks 100g bar of mint chocolate for about £1.78 from all good shops

This is a dark chocolate bar with about 12 capsules filled with a runny peppermint cream centre.

Being a 100g bar it's a good size for sharing, nibbling or just indulging in the mint chocolate.

It is not bad however, I found that the peppermint cream to be a little bit medicinal tasting and could not eat very much at all. After a couple of pieces I was done!

It is definitely an acquired taste and I wouldn't buy this unless I had specific desire to eat it.

It is also worth mentioning that the packaging is very nice and the product is fair trade.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Mint Kit Kat

Yes Yes Yes!!

This is how Kit Kats are supposed to be! I was pleasantly surprised by how minty it was.

Inside the milk chocolate coating are alternate layers wafer and mint which make up an individual stick.

These are the perfect break time snack for anyone who is partial to the minty choc, and, as many other products fail to do, it packs a very minty punch which is absolutely amazing!!!

If it is of any interest, 2 Kit Kat sticks are only 107 calories which is pretty good!

All that is left to say is when is the Mint Kit Kat chunky going to come out???? The Kit Kat chunkies are brilliant, a thick slab of Kit Kat chocolate, all it needs is a little bit of mint in there, please please please make a Mint Kit Kat chunky!!!!

Monday, 1 September 2008

Mint Chocolate Sorbet


170g Caster sugar
70g Cocoa Powder
450ml Water
150g Dark Chocolate
15-20 polo mints
(tsp of peppermint extract) to taste

What to do

Mix caster sugar and cocoa powder with 300ml of the water and bring to the boil, mixing well. Add the mint to taste then remove from the heat and add in the 150g of dark chocolate until it melts. Add the remainder of the water and mix well. Taste and add more chocolate or mint if it is required!!!

Freeze as an Ice cream (i.e. in an ice cream maker or in a container in the freezer, stirring at roughly 30min to 1 hour intervals until frozen)

To serve place in the fridge for 30 mins to soften

Voila, so easy, so delicious, so brilliant!!!