Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Home Made Mint Chocolate Ice Cream

How To Make Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream - Watch the top videos of the week here

This is a nice recipe. I normally go for the ratio of
2 Cream (double or whipping)
1 Milk (Skimmed, Semi or whole, depending how indulgent you feel!) and
3/4 fine sugar

Then you add whatever flavourings you like (Mint and chocolate related obviously).

I have tried similar methods to the one in the video before but I've found them to be a bit unpredictable. I think it works much better just to stick the mix in the freeze and stir occasionally (every 30 minutes to 1 hour) to break up the ice crystals.

Making your own ice cream is great but I think its a bit pointless if your going to make just the normal flavours,

Why not add your favourite mint chocolate (mint chocolate Aero Bubbles work very well for this - trust me!) to an ice cream base and a few drops of peppermint oil?

The most important thing is to be creative and make something that you really love and can't buy in the shops

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