Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Mint Cream Pie Recipe

2 pack of mint Viscount biscuits (14 per pack)
85g butter

405g can Carnation condensed milk
450ml double cream
handfull of chopped mint (optional but great - use peppermint extract as a substitute)

85g Dark chocolate (or any you fancy!)


Melt the butter and crush the biscuits. Combine and press into the bottom of 23cm (9in) flan tin.

Whisk the cream, condensed milk and mint until thick, then pour onto the buscuit base.


Meanwhile melt the chocolate and drizzle over the top of the pie


This is a great recipe but enjoy with caution, it's very moreish!!!

Monday, 21 July 2008

Mint Chocolate Chewing Gum - Trident

The mint choc chewing gum recently announced by trident has finally arrived in the supermarkets!

I'ts a brilliant idea if not a little weird at first.

The gum is in the form of Tridents standard small mintly squares with a liquid chocolate filling which oozes out when you bite through the shell..... amazing!

I think its a great idea but it is more of gimmick than anything else. You get the cool trident mint choc wrapping and the initial burst of mint chocolate is outstanding for a chewing gum. However, as I suppose is to be expected, this is short lived and after a minute or so, it might as well be normal spearmint chewing gum!

I would definitely buy this again and I'm sure I will, just because its mint chocolate!

Worth a try and available from all major retailers

Monday, 14 July 2008

Nigella White Choc & Peppermint Mousse

This is posted on the BBC Website Link

From Nigella Lawson

They are absolutely fantastic, light and creamy desserts. I'm not usually a big fan of putting raw eggs into desserts that aren't cooked though. What I usually do is leave out the egg and add a bit more cream, and whip it all up into a mousse. This is a little bit more dense but at least you don't have to worry!

The recipe is from Nigella Express which is a fantastic but very very dangerous book, don't read it on an empty stomach, you may very well regret it!

Monday, 7 July 2008

Redondo Chocolate Mint Wafers

WOW! These are amazing! Absolutely great!

They are basically rolled up wafer cigars about 15cm long and filled with smooth mint chocolate.

They go great with coffee, hot chocolate tea or just on their own. The only downside is that they are so hard to find!

I found these randomly in Home Bargains for less than £2 (I think!?) and thought I would give them a try........ ever since I've been addicted!

They didn't quite pass the suck test though. This is were you take a chocolaty, biscuity thing, (such as a chocolate finger with the ends bitten off) and try and use it as a straw! This make the drink taste chocolaty and the biscuit taste...... drinky? It's all good anyway! I thinks these particular wafers were just too long and/or full of mint chocolate, neither of which is a bad thing!

I'm waiting to find out some more distributors and when I do, I will post it straight away!!

Please try these I totally recommend, they are delicious!

Here is a list of shops were they are
available in the UK:

Poundland- gondoliers brand
Poundstretcher instore- monetta
Home Bargains

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Home Made Mint Chocolate Ice Cream

How To Make Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream - Watch the top videos of the week here

This is a nice recipe. I normally go for the ratio of
2 Cream (double or whipping)
1 Milk (Skimmed, Semi or whole, depending how indulgent you feel!) and
3/4 fine sugar

Then you add whatever flavourings you like (Mint and chocolate related obviously).

I have tried similar methods to the one in the video before but I've found them to be a bit unpredictable. I think it works much better just to stick the mix in the freeze and stir occasionally (every 30 minutes to 1 hour) to break up the ice crystals.

Making your own ice cream is great but I think its a bit pointless if your going to make just the normal flavours,

Why not add your favourite mint chocolate (mint chocolate Aero Bubbles work very well for this - trust me!) to an ice cream base and a few drops of peppermint oil?

The most important thing is to be creative and make something that you really love and can't buy in the shops